I've always been intrigued with Marche especially with the long queue during peak hours so I finally decided to check the place out. Zach has been transferred to their Alexandra branch office due to a H1N1 case in their original office so we have been going to Vivo City quite often lately.
Quite surprisingly, they don't have a website. For an establishment, or any form of business, not to have a website in techy and modern Singapore is almost unbelievable. Anyway, I found out thru the web their original branch was (or still is) in Orchard.

I love love love the interior! I love the open marketplace concept where the food is laid out or cooked in front of you. The floor area was a bit too tight though, I can just imagine how squeezy it can be when there's a lot of diners.

Marche is a Swiss Restaurant (which I only found out when we were already done eating) with a homey & country kind of ambiance.

Sorry about the blurry pics, again I forgot my digicam - the supposed 8 megapixel camera on my mobile phone is no good. Above pic is Chicken Parmesan Cheese Pasta with veggies. It was pretty good. Not overly creamy, cheesy or salty. Plus the veggies gave it a fresh taste that didn't make you feel too guilty.

Salmom Rosti on the above pic. I never knew salmon and sour cream would go well with hashed potato. The hashed potato in itself was a bit bland but I guess it was meant to be like that.

I didn't quite like the batter of the Calamares. A bit too bready. It was crispy but I prefer the breaded coating of Calamares in Fish & Co.

And now for dessert!! Bread pudding with vanilla cream sauce. Delectably sinful! Our favorite!

Strawberry Cheesecake was terrible. Cheesecakes at Starbucks or CB&TL are way better. The crust was too tough plus the gelatin-based cheesecake was too watery.

This 3rd piece of cake was Zach's fault, I think he got too excited with all the cakes on display. This Apple Crumble was equally, if not more terrible than the strawberry cheesecake.
Dinner came up to around $56 for both of us. Quite pricey but we did eat a lot after all. Again. I'm sure you are all shaking your head saying how the hell am I going to lose weight with this kind of diet... Ok, guilty as charged! =P
No rating for Marche since it was a fastfood type of restaurant, though a classier one.
Vivo City, Centre Walk
1 Harbourfront #03-14
098585 Singapore
Phone +65 6376 8226
Im making this as my first and last comment on your site,,,since you like the F-word so much, no wonder no one is commenting on your site,,,the contents of your blog are either non sense or i'll fated attempt to copy other sites, phew just stick with what you call "humility is a virtue" and just keep quiet and shut your site down. Or you probably commented on other blog sites so that people would visit yours? You got it,,,F-u. And i bet you you will moderate and remove this comment as what you did for all the others,,,that's humility,,,lol
Wahahahahahaha! Thats all I can say.
by the way, I wish you had balls to leave your real name and site (which is http://www.marketmanila.com/), as shown in my live traffic feed.
Wahahahahaha! :P
By the way, for the others who dont know how this transpired. Below is the comment I made in MM's blog which supposedly fired him up
Shan says:
You sure do have a temper. Being a blogger, it is inevitable you will get emails or comments you do not like. The easiest solution - ignore them. It seems like you always want to have the last say, or the last scream - I vividly remember that incident where you made a scene in of the restos in greenbelt. Or refuse the offer by one of the hotels where you complained about the bed mites. Humility is a virtue is all I can say.
August 19th, 2009
I love this comment made by Joseph T Reyes to Mr MM in Market Manila blog -
"In your case, (and I hope I am dead wrong), perhaps it is the power to see restaurant officers shudder at the thought that you are coming to dine, the power to have Presidents of large corporations apparently bow to you, or maybe even the power to see a hapless young girl commit mistake after mistake to remind you how great you truly are."
I salute you Joseph for standing up to Market Man. It relieves me to know that I am not the only one who thinks that Market Man is taking advantage of his website to exploit defenseless people who do not share the same "fame" he has thru his blog.
Um, Shan? Maybe you'd better read up on how that live traffic feed works. It just shows you how your visitor reached your blog. If they typed the address directly into their browser, it will show their geographical location only. If they followed a link from another website, it will display their location and the name of the previous website.
Your second comment is akin to claiming that Bill Gates left a message on your blog because your live feed shows that someone got here through www.microsoft.com
Shan, I may be mistaken (not a techie here). But doesn't the live traffic feed show you where the commenter came from before hitting your blog?
In which case, would it be a reader from the other site and not the site owner?
It just occurred to me.
Actually, based on the number of comma's, it may be commenter "ted".
Emily: Yes you are right. No need to get fired up as well :)
Risa: I agree. It MAY or MAY NOT be the site owner. who knows.
Anonymous: I agree. It may be Ted. They must be close friends. hehe
Whether it was Mr MM or not, Joseph T Reyes sums up what I feel about Mr MM.
And thanks to him, Ive had the most number of comments since I started this blog which they so want me to close down because its not as famous as Market Manila :)
To each his own :)
Another victim of Mr MM:
"annb says:
hi, could you please focus on food and travel and leave the ranting at home? too many rants on this site already.. this site was made for the pleasures of food and travel, yes?
anyway, there are other blogs, sites, newspapers, phone lines, friends and relatives to share your or our complaints/rants with. i don’t think marketmanila.com is an appropriate venue.
August 14th, 2009"
As usual, Mr MM gets fired up and here is his nobela response:
"Marketman says:
annb, there are nearly 2,300 posts in the archives of marketmanila.com, spread out over nearly five years. Less than 5% are non-food related, and perhaps less than 3% are service rant related. If you read my “About” page, written 5 years ago, it outlined that I would include service issues and have always had a category for rants. And because of my work background, service issues are close to my heart. So frankly, you can take your two centavos worth of unsolicited advice and find another food blog to visit as this is a free site and you may read or choose NOT to read what is on it. If you don’t like the content, go elsewhere. Reading this blog doesn’t cost you a single frigging centavo, nor are you subjected to advertisements of any sort. And any information you glean from this, whether produce or ingredient related, a recipe or anything else, came to you with nary more than a few clicks of your own lazy finger(s). Frankly, you have some bloody nerve telling me what to write on my own blog.
Think of it another way, with 2,000 plus posts on food with just a couple of hours spent on each, writing, testing, researching, correcting, answering comments, emails etc, that is at a minimum 4-5,000 man hours I have voluntarily put into this blog for no personal gain whatsoever, and that is the equivalent of 2-2.5 total man years in invested time so far which has probably been visited by tens of thousands of readers logging in to some 15+million page views. They may not all appreciate it, but they don’t often tell me what NOT to write about. So yes, I feel strongly about my own blog, and my right to write whatever I feel like writing about.
I notice that the first time you made a comment on this blog was in February of 2009 (though you could have lurked before that), so what I suggest is that if you are bored and looking for food posts, simply go back into the archives and read the 1,500 other food related posts that you probably haven’t thought to read instead of presuming to tell me what to write about for your highness. You not only get the fishpan award of this week, but the unusual distinction of getting virtually boiled in my humongous copper fish poacher that needs 2-3 stovetop burners to get it hot enough to cook a human with a brain as small as a sardine!
August 14th, 2009"
Im really curios where all his angst is coming from....
Why are you quoting MM in your "comments"? Don't have anything else to write--or are you just hoping for traffic?
Your site is ok IF you would try to stand on your own without trying to create controversy, or talking about someone else's site
And btw, put your camera on auto focus something. Your photos are blurred!
Dearest Shan, please respect individuality and just write if you want to keep this blog. Don't mind comments too much but bear in mind it can make your ideas better. I have great respect for MM I've read his blog, too. Just think that you're two different writers with different tastes and tempers. The readers wouldn't be pleased to read lenghty discussions.
For your last post, I'm fond of Marche(the one in COEX South Korea) The restaurant here serves korean and western food together and the food is okay, the service good, the place clean. I think the restaurant's theme is fresh, healthy eating here, the servings are also a good portion.^ ^
Most employees dine in there specially when they go dutch but others prefer VIPS or outback(fam resto).
Hi Anonymous 9:19pm-
Sorry bout the blurry pics. I did say in the blog i left my digicam and was using my mobile fone :)
I am not creating controvery. Just stating my opinion :) which i think we are all entitled to :)
Hi Mary Kim -
Thank you for your level-headed comment :) I do respect Mr MM and acknowledge his 'status' in the foodblog cyberspace BUT I cant seem to understand why he cant handle non-patronizing comments in his blog.
Anywayyyy, I agree that Marche's theme is fresh food. It was really a different and unique experience.
Hey, thanks for posting a review on Marche..
My old officemates used to rave so much about this place but i've never had a chance to join them coz of other plans, moolah matters, etc..
So, its not something that shouldn't be missed, after all.. would try other restaus instead..
How i wish other comments would be added info or experience about the subject not just some unrelated remarks.. arrgghhh.. oh well just keep blogging shan!! dont let them waste your time..
Everyone knows "The F Word" is a show by Gordan Ramsay. Tsk, you lack originality, absolutely disgusting.
anonymous 8:35 PM:
yes im absolutely totally disgusting. thank you :)
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